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Building contractor

The requirements that apply to you when using flame retardant wood

The authorities have made it easy for themselves, but hard for you. It is illegal for downstream users to use products covered by CE marking requirements but which are not CE marked according to a harmonized product standard.

But how do you know which requirements to apply? The answer is available, but if you try to interpret the rules, it may be hard to understand the jungle of paragraphs and numbers that concern fire protection. The Construction Products Ordinance makes clear demands on you as a downstream user. It is your obligation according to the regulation to ensure that the product has properties that comply with the requirement set in the construction work in question.


Tip from Woodsafe

If you choose the prescribed product, you will not violate fire protection documentation.

Alternatively, you can contact Team Woodsafe and get help from the market's best and most factual support in flame retardant wood.We know fire protection, we know what is applicable and we have the documentation in order. Click here to contact us! 

T O   D O C U M E N T   L I B R A R Y

Requirements when using fireproof wood

Just because a product is CE marked does not mean that national building legislation requirements have been met, this is a completely different matter. As a builder, you are required to have knowledge of the Planning and Building Act (PBL 2010: 900). The wood product intended to be used is covered by several COMPULSARY REQUIREMENTS in PBL and BBR, which can be easily checked by type approval certificates, e.g. facade requirement SP FIRE 105 and durable fire performance EN-16755 DRF EXT.

If you do not have the ability to assess the performance of the product and state the requirements then you must surrender the responsibility to check performance to another person according to the EU Building Products Regulation. Not being able to judge performance in relation to using the product is a breach of the product requirements regulation.



When you choose WOODSAFE® All-in-one, you choose a manufacturer that has control over certification and document submission in connection with the final inspection. You will receive expert advice on the appropriate quality, profile and dimension of the wood that is intended to be used. We give you tips and valuable advice that will facilitate your planning. We pack carefully and we deliver on time from our factory to the next level.

When you use WOODSAFE® fireproof wood, you are working with a product that has in-depth fire protection on all four sides. The product can be cut and adjusted to size. The product is sorted like normal wood for recycling or incineration, the product is handled with normal work environment regulations and protective equipment, etc. But before you start working and handling WOODSAFE® fireproof wood, always read the fact sheet and instructions for, among other things. incineration, recycling, storage etc.

Make it easy for you

Contact our support department for expert support at product level (not a theoretical copy from BBR) or contact our premium partners for the All-in-one concept where advice on wood types, quality, profiles, finishing etc. is included.


Questions and Answers:

Can WOODSAFE® be used for eco-labelled buildings?

Is WOODSAFE® natural and organic?

Is the product dangerous for my staff to handle?

Can I cut and make holes in the wood?

Can I coat the wood with any kind of paint?

Can I treat WOODSAFE® with silicone-based products such as Sioox, Organowood?

There are those that state that WOODSAFE® Exterior WFX™ is dangerous. Is that true?

Some operators say that their product is through-impregnated. What does this mean?

Is the manufacture and product certified?

How can I buy the product?