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Sustainable manufacturing

The refining technology from Woodsafe Timber Protection AB is based on a vacuum pressure impregnation process that refines the wood itself and where the wood product becomes the fire protection itself. The processes are controlled in continuous manufacturing control through several institutes including RISE (0402). The manufacturing principle we adhere to is the only one considered by the industry to be reliable for fire protection of wood. And, of course, our company is certified to ISO 9001:2015 for quality and to ISO 14001:2015 for the environment.


Fire-protected wood


  • Type approval certificate according to the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning, BBR, PBL.
  • Type approval certificate according to the Plan, - and Building Act (SFS 2010:900)
  • Construction Products Regulation 305/2011 (CPR 305/2011), Annex ZA, AVCP system 1
  • Quality and systematic management system ISO 9001:2015
  • Systematic environmental management system ISO 14001:2015
  • Approved Treater, Wood Protection Association, UK and award winner 2020,2022.

Manufacturing follows Swedish values for quality, working conditions and social responsibility

The value chain of Woodsafe Timber Protection AB contributes to the wood industry is excellence in refining the wood material's natural properties against fire, to the highest possible for the material. In our daily work, we look at each project's conditions such as capillary properties, cell structure, lignin content and more in order to be able to deliver optimal quality. But our everyday life is about more than the production of fire-resistant wooden products.

We value and prioritize our employees' working conditions where balance between work and leisure is highly valued, in parallel with the expectations of our stakeholders always being taken into account. Through clear instructions and clear leadership, we create quality in the depth of the value chain and in the everyday life of our employees and suppliers.


The most important thing is not to have the most types of wood documented according to B-s1,d0. The most important thing is to show credibility and, in accordance with the regulations, show documentation based on the right prerequisite. Examples of correct documentation are results based on sampling by a third party. Our services are certified by RISE (No.Body 0402).

D O C U M E N T  L I B R A R Y