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Our benefits

Do you think fire safety is complicated? It is!

Do not despair, you are definitely not alone. We understand if you feel unsure about incomprehensible combinations of letters and numbers, how to practise the fire class in relation to the area of use and type of wood.

Woodsafe Timber Protection is the manufacturer that for more than 25 years has fire impregnation as its only business. We offer expert advice and guidance that takes you through the jungle of regulations you must comply with if you are to prescribe, procure and use fire-retardant treated wood.

WOODSAFE® durable fire protection is an effective refinement of the natural properties of wood against the effects of fire. The treated wood becomes in symbiosis with the fire impregnation, which achieves the relevant fire class for most different types of wood, such as SP FIRE 105 and Euroclass B-s1,d0 (-s2).


For this very reason, fire protection has to work, you need to ensure that the brand of fire retardant you choose to use in your project fulfils the requirements of the long term resistance properties EN16755 EXT that ensure function over time. The easiest and, above all, the most reliable way to ensure long-term performance is to ask for the product's type approval certificate. Anything else is a gamble! Is it worth it?

Ett hållbart brandskydd

Woodsafes brandskydd tål träets naturliga rörelser oavsett om produkten används i inne- eller utemiljö, dessutom är brandskyddet tåligt för normalt slitage, nötning och liknande slitage.

Impregneringen bildar ingen beläggning eller känsligt skikt som krackelerar eller bleknar, till skillnad från brandskyddsfärg och lack.

WOODSAFE® adds value

  • Fire protection fixed in the wood cell structure
  • The wood will provide fire protection properties
  • Fire protection on all 6 sides
  • Does not require additional fire protection
  • Trust-worthy documentation
  • Excellent professional support
  • Third party certified submission of final documentation
  • Does not increase corrosion
  • Minimal impact on the strength of the wood
  • Does not increase moisture absorption
  • Type-approved durability of fire performance EN 16755 EXT
  • The wood's unique colour, feel and texture remains.
  • Does not contain hygroscopic substances, e.g. di-ammonium, urea
  • No mould growth caused by hygroscopic substances such as ammonium, diammonium, urea etc.

Proven and versatile fire protection for both interior and exterior environments. For exterior installation, the wood product is traditionally painted according to the instructions and for interior use there are several options for creative colouring. 

Unique polymeric-based fire impregnation for use in exterior environments or environments with high constant relative humidity such as swimming pools, mines, subways and ships.

WOODSAFE® WFX™ is the only approved system for exterior use without the need for opaque painting according to EN16755 EXT and ASTM D2898.

Let´s talk Durable Fire Protection

WOODSAFE® fire impregnated wood is more than just fire resistant wood. When you choose WOODSAFE®, you get a comprehensive sustainability program. WOODSAFE® makes the difference for sustainable choices of Durable Fire Protection.