WOODSAFE® PRO™ is a fire impregnation system for wooden panels with a very wide and versatile range of use. Examples of areas of use are escape routes, wall and ceiling cladding, acoustic panels and furnishings in environments such as schools, hospitals, sports halls, congress halls, conference halls, vehicles and more.
A versatile fire protection
WOODSAFE® PRO™ Plywood is available as 3-layer board, LVL, Kerto Q, Kerto S as well as birch, spruce, poplar plywood. The asset is only available through selected producers. Link to retailer
WOODSAFE® PRO™ manufacturing is covered by a type approval certificate according to the Swedish Housing Agency's building regulations, Plan and Building Act (SFS 2010:900) and construction product regulation 305/2011, EN14915 with associated continuous manufacturing control by RISE (0402). Document reference TG0263-08, CPR-0402-SC0268-09.
WOODSAFE® PRO™ is not based on hygroscopic substances such as ammonium phosphate, di-ammonium, urea or similar substances, which can create problems with mold growth, for example in attic spaces, and moisture absorption with associated leaching in exterior environments.
Technical characteristics
Technical characteristics
- Reaction to fire: B-s1,d0. (-s2)
- Cladding class: K210/B-s1,d0
- Cladding class: K110/B-s1,d0
- Facade cladding: SP FIRE 105 (3-layer board)
- Utility class EN16755 INT1, INT2, EXT. (In an exterior environment, the cladding must be painted according to instructions)
- HR-resistance (Wood Protection Association, UK)
- Approval with or without air gap
- VOC (emission) approved according to the Swedish Housing Agency's building regulations (BBR) 2:2, 5:231, 5:551, -point 2, 3, 4 and 6:21
General information
General information
In our impregnation process, the wood and the wood product are wetted in their entirety and, depending on the product, 2-15% by weight of fire retardant is pushed deep into the cell structure of the wood where it is fixed.
The combination of moisture and drying means that an initially finished planed, sawn or processed wood product can become slightly crooked and lopsided compared to untreated wood. The better the quality of the wood product, the better the final product.
In the fire impregnation process, the wood is soaked with water mixed with fire impregnation agent and then dried. The impregnation process also means that dimensional changes depending on the type of wood and plywood can occur, even within the framework of the same quality grading, which can result in the wood material's dimension changing differently.
Dimensional change may deviate from planing tolerance and plywood tolerance, which is considered ok because the impregnation process takes place after planing and the production of plywood. It is the responsibility of the client/customer to take these conditions into account when ordering Woodsafe's contractor impregnation services through partners.
Effective and versatile fire protection system for plywood in interior application for wall, ceiling cladding and acoustic panels
Sample projects WOODSAFE® PRO™ Plywood

Stockholm Waterfront
In central Stockholm, wall panels made of laminated plywood adorn the walls of the Stockholm Waterfront. Fire impregnation with WOODSAFE® PRO™.

Studio Acusticum
In 2007, the Studio Acusticum concert hall was inaugurated with a large and technically advanced concert hall with room for 576 people. The project was nominated in 2008 for the Upper Norrlands Architecture Award.

Karolinska institutet Aula Medica
Aula Medica is a grand hall for the world's elite to meet, which was awarded the building of the year 2014. Fire impregnation with WOODSAFE® PRO™.

Uppsala Concert & Congress
A concert and conference building with a total of 14,600 m². For this project, beech veneered plywood and solid wood have been fire impregnated with WOODSAFE® PRO™.
Is WOODSAFE® PRO™ organic fire protection?
No, WOODSAFE® PRO™'s main ingredient is inorganic element. Worth mentioning is that there are no fire retardants that are organic. Claims of natural and organic fire retardant are a marketing strategy that sounds good, but is not true.
Can WOODSAFE® PRO™ Plywood be veneered?
Yes, several variations of veneer grades are available.
Can WOODSAFE® PRO™ Plywood be supplied in special dimensions?
Yes. Contact our premium partner for more information.
Can WOODSAFE® PRO™ Plywood be perforated?
Yes, perforation, pre-drilling, groove-spring are no problem.
Is WOODSAFE® PRO™ Plywood toxic?
No, the product is not classified as hazardous to health or the environment.
Is WOODSAFE® PRO™ Plywood approved for indoor use?
Yes, it is approved and emits no emissions.
Does WOODSAFE® PRO™ contain hygroscopic salts?
No, WOODSAFE® PRO™ does not contain substances such as di-ammonium, monoammonium, urea or similar substances, which can cause moisture absorption in the material, mold growth, etc.
Can WOODSAFE® PRO™ Plywood be painted and varnished?
Yes, it can be painted. Read more on the separate product sheet.
Is WOODSAFE® PRO™ Plywood type approved?
Yes, since 2008. Type approval certificate 0263-08. Properties that are type approved are K210/B-s1,d0, K110/B-s1,d0, EN16755 INT1, INT2 (EXT not applicable, even when EXT is certified)
Yes, since 2008, type approval certificate TG0263-08.
Can I treat with WOODSAFE® PRO™ Plywood myself?
No, it's an industrial process.
What moisture ratio is delivered?
Woodsafe PRO™ fire-impregnated plywood boards are delivered from the factory with a moisture content of 8 - 10% and apply to delivery from the factory. How the plywood panels are subsequently handled and how the moisture ratio is ensured is completely outside our control, and it is the customer's responsibility to ensure continued correct storage and handling, in order to maintain the moisture ratio. Remember to always acclimatize the plywood boards at least 2 weeks before installation in the same room where they are to be installed. Plywood moves naturally depending on the season and surrounding climate, even when the boards hold 8 - 10% during installation.
Can I buy the product directly from you?
No, we sell through partners who are more than happy to help you. Click here to get to retailers.
Does WOODSAFE® PRO™ have persistent fire resistant properties?
The fire protection agent WOODSAFE® PRO™ has approved properties according to EN16755 INT1, INT2 and EXT, but as the standard does not cover wood-based board materials (EN13986), in practice it is not possible to claim approval according to EN16755, even if Woodsafe PRO™ is approved on solid wood.