Wood is not like other building materials. Wood is a living material where each individual type of wood has its own properties, even if each type of wood has the same requirements for fire properties for the application in question.
WOODSAFE® Academy is here to help you!
With increased construction in wood, the need to protect wood from fire also increases. There are many methods and products, but many who build in wood lack knowledge of what to use and how. To remedy this, the WOODSAFE® Academy will be launched shortly, where easy information is mixed with advanced facts about wood fire protection.
WOODSAFE® Academy is the knowledge bridge you need to get clarity on the combination of numbers and letters, which documents have actual meaning, how to assemble, and not least, what distinguishes different methods and fire impregnation agents. You get the answers at WOODSAFE® Academy.

DoP and CE certification
A performance declaration, like the CE marking, must accompany each product and it is the manufacturers responsibility to establish it. The CE marking applies to harmonized EN standards, including Euro class classifications.
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National product certificate
Alongside the requirement for European CE certification according to the Construction Products Regulation, there are national product certificates in many of the individual European countries. For example, in Sweden there is a national type approval.
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Keep an eye on procurement
Fire protection is a matter of safety. When procuring fire-protected wood, it is very important that you have enough knowledge to make the right decisions so you do not risk the fire safety of people, animals and buildings.
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BS-EN16755 v/s EN16755
Let's talk about a British standard (BS), which for a period existed as a deviant version of the European standard EN16755. It is about the previous version of BS EN16755 which after October 31, 2022, is no longer valid. It is important to know the difference.
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Equivalent product, what does it mean
When procuring materials for a project, it is important to know what the term "or equivalent" actually means. Otherwise you run the risk of buying a product not suitable for the planned application.
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Industrial v/s manual
Fire protection treatment can be carried out in different ways with equivalent fire rating provided that quality control is equivalent. On site painting with fire protection paint is manual and thus not equivalent to industrial application.
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Appropriate for the application
Is your choice of fire protection system appropriate for the application? The same fire class does not mean that the system is suitable for damp and exterior environments.
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Onsite handling of product
Handling and storing of flame impregnated wood on site is very important to meet the flame requirements for the product. It is a lavishing product, and needs to be treated in the correct way.
Confusing? Don't worry, check out our movie.